Saturday 4 August 2012

let me introduce myself!

Hi! My name is Kate (aka kathryn junebug). I've recently started perusing the world of the DIY and home decor blogs and I must admit, I've been incredibly inspired by some of the amazing bloggers out there. At the same time, I've often looked at projects and thought 'hey, I could do that!' (not so much the blogging, but the projects they proudly showcase). However, as a professional 'career woman' (ha!) I find that I'm not necessarily motivated to get my butt off the couch and get my creative juices flowing after working a full day. Sometimes it just seems easier to plop down on the sofa and flip channels than assemble all the required materials, clear the space and get down and dirty (in the crafty sense, people! This is a G-rated blog. Or at most PG-13 for suggestive themes, mild profanity and brief nudity. I kid, I kid).

I hope this blog will help me better plan my creative endeavours and document them along the way. Committing to posting at least once a week should help light a fire under my buns! I look forward to sharing my process and progress every week and hopefully through all the good, bad and ugly you'll find something that makes you go hmmmmmmmm...I could do that!

 As I write this I have C & C Music Factory running through my mind - and if you don't already know the song, here it is! Things That Make You Go Hmmmm  Enjoy having it play randomly in your mind over the next several hours days!

1 comment:

  1. Hi There! Congrats on your new blog! I'm a rookie blogger too. Yay - I'm your first GFC follower! Have a great week :)
